Join us for the FREE Intojobs Exploring Self Employment Workshops event!
The sessions will be held at the Stretton Centre over 5 days & will be filled with valuable insights and resources on self-employment.
- Day 1 - 16 September - Getting Started
- DAY 2 - 17 September - Idea Generation & Validation
- DAY 3 - 18 September - Start Up Essentials
- DAY 4 - 23 September - Going Digital
- DAY 5 - 25 September - Branding & Marketing
Whether you're looking to start your own business or if you have a passion that you would like to develop further, this workshop is perfect for you. Learn from industry experts, network with like-minded individuals, and take the first step towards achieving your entrepreneurial dreams.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to explore the world of self-employment!