The Northern Adelaide Plains is one of the most significant regions for horticulture production in Australia. Located on the fringe of Adelaide, the region has an annual farm gate value of $306 million.
The City of Playford has taken an active role in maximising economic outcomes through initiatives that raise the region’s profile. In 2017 City of Playford, through the Stretton Centre, partnered with Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA), to assess the benefits of a local food-based cluster and to identify common interests and issues facing the region.
The Northern Adelaide Plains Food Cluster was established in 2018, following industry consultation which revealed common themes such as enhancing the regional profile, labour force issues and maximising value add opportunities.
Clusters are a proven economic model that are used world-wide to create growth. The Northern Adelaide Plains is a natural cluster considering its high concentration of horticulture businesses.
“The close relationships that cluster’s develop provide perspectives that drive innovation, promote competition and provide critical mass to smaller businesses to allow them to grow.”
The Cluster developed the Northern Adelaide Plains website to showcase local businesses and products to consumers.
Council has undertaken additional initiatives to raise the profile of the region. Recently partnering with Network 10’s Everyday Gourmet with Justine Schofield to showcase the premium quality and diverse range of produce and products in the Northern Adelaide Plains. The series is broadcast nationally and internationally to 69 countries, which was identified as a method to expose the region to key export markets.
The Cluster has commenced the development of a strategic plan to create tangible outcomes in the area. To stay informed visit