It’s that time of the year again, where local businesses get to have their say on the type of support they would like to receive from Council by participating in the Playford Business Survey. This year we are looking at the impacts of COVID-19 and how we can support businesses.
Playford is home to over 3,400 diverse businesses that are facing different challenges and it’s important that we can provide valuable support to all of them in some way. This annual survey is designed to help the team at the Stretton Centre and the City of Playford identify our business community’s needs, concerns, or issues and gain feedback on our current level of support and processes. Above all, we are focused on continuously improving our offering of valuable and relevant services for businesses.
“Previous surveys have helped us create training and events that many businesses have enjoyed. An accredited Certificate IV in Leadership and Management has been delivered to emerging leaders from over 20 organisations. We have also used survey data to ensure that the Stretton Centre’s programs are aligned with the needs of our local industries” said Dr Tom Madigan, Economic Development Manager, Stretton Centre.
It is important to mention that this year’s survey will look a little different, simply because 2020 has been a little different. The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent economic crisis has created a need to adapt to the new ‘normal’ for many businesses.
We are asking respondents how they have been impacted by COVID-19 and have provided some ideas for new and improved services to help businesses through this tough time. There is also an opportunity to share your ideas for support that you would find useful.
What are the benefits? Aside from helping us to better understand and support your business, there is a prize up for grabs. In keeping with our mission to support local businesses, one lucky respondent will be randomly selected to receive a $70 gift voucher to a Playford-based business of their choice.
By taking the short survey, you will be providing valuable insight and helping us enhance the services that all Playford businesses can access. The survey is open from Thursday 11June until Tuesday 30 June, so don’t miss out on your chance to shape the future of business support in Playford.
You can take the survey here
If you have any questions please contact the Stretton Centre on 8254 4666 or at